Ideo Residency

All the way back in April I made this rather fun “concept” film about how blooming wonderful our hands are, and the absence of this wonder when using a phone.


The film was part of an application for the Ideo Fortnight residency. And low and behold the lovely folk of Ideo liked my ideas, and I was selected to be one of the Artist in residence in Ideo’s London office.

I was the fourth and final artist to be part of the studio last July (the other artists were Alan, Jacob, and Natsai). And although I loved every-designery-minute of the fortnight, it was incredibly challenging. Through the input of the studio, and (somewhat unfair?) pressure I put on myself, I achieved more that I thought would be possible in 2 weeks.

I spent 2 weeks working on some ideas gearing around storytelling, books, and embedded technology that I have been tinkering with for a few years now -some of which I presented at BV studio back in 2012. In the end I made a really lovely book that tells stories by connecting to a phone (or this this case a tablet), and we had a wrap party (which included lots of pizza, beer, and interactive edible music) to share the ideas we played with over the fortnight. There is loads of room for development and I am working on the next phase of this concept. More details and picture of the process can be found on the Fortnight micro site.


Testing and developing ideas with the wonderful and lively Ideo team.


Small prototypes of the pages

outside_700outside1_700 copy

The book unfolds like a paper theatre


Device in place and the pages trigger animations to tell the story.

All images by Alex Whiting